Website Migration
Q: What precisely does web site migration mean and what does it involve?
A: When your present hosting provider can no longer answer the necessities of your web site, or if you experience continual network downtime, or if you are forced to wait for hours for the tech support staff to reply back to you, it might be smart to swap your web hosting provider, i.e. to migrate all the files for your web sites along with your databases from your current provider to your future provider. At V-HostOnLine, we know that this can often be difficult & time–consuming. That is why we will accomplish all that for you at no cost!Our highly proficient technical staff representatives will transfer your website content from your present web hosting provider to us. Our techs have extensive experience with web site migration and can handle everything – from a regular WordPress–based blog or Joomla™–driven website, to a very elaborate, custom–built web application.
Q: Web site migration sounds like lots of work. Just how long will it take?
A: There are many factors to take into consideration – the overall number of web files, the size of the database, the complexity of the website itself and the present workload of our website migration professionals, etc. Nevertheless, we do our very best to implement all website migrations within a 48–hour time frame. Less sizeable web sites are migrated faster – typically in less than 24 hours.
Q: My personal privacy is vital to me. What details do you require?
A: Yes. We’ll require the name of the website that you’d like us to move. We’ll also need a means to log in to your old web hosting account so that we can get the files pertaining to your site.
Q: The login details for my hosting account are delicate. How can I trust you?
A: User privacy is among our prime concerns – for this reason, both our payment transaction page and our CP login page are secured with enterprise–grade digital certificates. We employ safety measures, which include, but are not limited to: physical, electronic and administrative procedures to protect the details that we acquire online. And we also have a very detailed and rigid Privacy Policy, which outlines the types of information that we collect.
Q: Will there be any outage for my site?
A: While we migrate your website, it will be available both in your hosting account with us and in your account with your old web hosting provider. Once the migration is complete, we’ll make certain that everything is functioning properly and that the integrity of your content is not jeopardized before informing you that the migration is completed. Then we will explain to you how to move the domain to your hosting account with us and how to update the DNS resource records.
Q: Will my present hosting provider learn that I am leaving them?
A: No. Apart from your login credentials for the Control Panel, we won’t need anything. We will never contact your web hosting provider. They won’t know anything about the migration either.
Q: Which web hosting platforms do you support?
A: We support all Linux–powered hosting platforms. In essence, if we can access your Control Panel, we’ll be able to migrate your site.The only platforms that we don’t support are closed–source website management platforms like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.