Catch-all Emails in Cloud Hosting
In case you host a domain on our cloud hosting platform and you have a cloud hosting account, you’ll be able to enable the catch-all functionality for any mailbox that you create under the domain. The Hepsia Control Panel’s Email Manager section includes quite a few features, but it’s remarkably user-friendly, so setting up a catch-all mailbox takes only a single click of the mouse. All the email addresses that you have created will be shown in this section alphabetically and you’ll only have to click the "Catch-all" button pertaining to the concrete address. Our system will warn you if there’s already another catch-all mailbox activated for that domain or if the one that you want to be a catch-all mailbox has email forwarding enabled, so you can either turn off the latter feature or pick a different mailbox. Disabling the catch-all option is just as simple and requires yet another click on the exact same button.
Catch-all Emails in Semi-dedicated Servers
The catch-all functionality can be activated without any difficulty if you’ve got a semi-dedicated server plan with our company. All the email addresses that you have created with the domain names hosted in the semi-dedicated server account will be enumerated in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section and you’ll notice a small logo handily situated right next to each one of them. With just a single click of the mouse, you can enable or disable the catch-all option for any mailbox of your liking on the condition that there isn't another mailbox under the same domain with the option already enabled and there isn't active email forwarding. Instead, you can right-click on an email address and enable the feature through the menu that will appear. In case any of the preconditions for creating a catch-all mailbox is not matched, our system will notify you, but will not disable or replace anything automatically.